~ The System ~

I suggest reading this before looking at the reviews and such for the media pieces. It clarifies how we go about things.

Each point is given a rating from 1-10. 1 is "absolutely terrible" and 10 is "greatly moving." 8 and above is considered a very high rating, whereas anything below a 5 is likely not worth engaging in. 6-7 is considered good, and enjoyable.

For general ratings regarding quality, we critique based on the following guidelines:

1. Quality of Story

2. Quality of Character[s]

3. Quality of Visuals

4. Quality of Audio

5. Quality of Aging

[how well has it stood the test of time?]

6. General Enjoyment [we will specify wether ironic or engaging]

Some of these categories may be omitted depending on the context of the media. For example, a novel might not have any visuals to work off of-- so that category will not be included in that critique.

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Next is the robot-specific ratings. These will focus on the quality of usage of the robotic characters in the media. These are as follows:

1. Sentience & Autonomy [similar to point 1, but with room for more nuance; are they allowed to act as people?]

2. Presence & Frequence [how often are robotic characters shown?]

3. Respect & Demonization [do any humans see them as people?]

4. Narrative Use [Regardless of if humans treat them like people, does the narrative treat them like people? Point 4 is influenced by this one]

5. Difference [are the robots functionally exactly the same as the human characters, or does the story utilize the unique robotic features of the charatcer?]

